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Team, it has been a while since our Door to Door and Retail teams have been active. To familiarize yourselves with information about the newly active PTM Solar Sales Channel please visit the updated External Sales Type page that can be found in the business rules for both Kiwi and Spring or CLICK HERE


We have identified a few accounts (ConEdison customers) with missing reads and invoices. These customers are still active with us but have not had a read or has not been invoiced for a period of time by the utility. See screen shot below

If you are unable to Identify a recent invoice, please check the attached document below to see if this customer has been included in the accounts identified.

If the customer has questions about the usage for the missing invoices, please offer to connect the customer to utility with any questions regarding the missing billing, supply cost or scheduling a meter read.

Note : If the customer is eligible for recontacting they should be encouraged to do so with an upsell of appropriate product offer.

Updated: Oct 26, 2022


Calibration sessions were conducted to review the process of overcoming objections in regards to the Kiwi Guard benefits and Cinch Welcome Letters.


Please remember that the second paragraph of the welcome letter clearly indicates that the customer is not responsible for any charges or premiums for being a Kiwi Energy customer (please see below)

For Home Protect

It came to our attention that the most recent version of the Home Protect welcome letter has been slightly updated, please direct the customers towards the sentence stating that "this plan is included as a benefit with your Kiwi Energy product.", reassure that it comes at no extra cost for Kiwi Energy customers. We can also remind the customers that we never collected their payment information.

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