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TRAINING ALERT Change in the sequence for account numbers

Change in the sequence for account numbers | Conedison (Coned) and Orange & Rockland (O&R)

Effective October 9th, Orange & Rockland and Con Edison will be changing the sequence of their account numbers. As of this date customers will be assigned a 11-digit account number.

Things to know

· Current customer account numbers will be updated automatically by a change request from Conedison and Orange & Rockland. ( Seamless change in the background)

· Old Account numbers can be used for up to 90 days after this date. In the event that customers still have their old LDC format, we will still be able to submit. We should however attempt to new account information.

Note : Customers of both Coned and O&R will receive notices from the utility.

Examples of notices to customers:

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05 oct. 2023


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