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Venture Solar postcards have been sent to Kiwi and Spring customers on Wednesday, October 5th encouraging to call our customer service center or visit the Venture Solar page to qualify for the offer.

Kiwi Postcard

Spring Post Card

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September PSEG Bills have been affected but a rebilling issue. August supply charges we erroneously rebill onto the September bill.

61 Customer were impacted.


The following call notes was added to the affected accounts: Backoffice Support > Misc Notification. The call notes contained the account that was re-billed on the September bill.

Customers should be advised to pay the amount minus the rebilled amount in the call note. (I.e., If the September bill is $150 but the re-billed amount was $50, the customer should only pay $100.)

No late fees will be applied by the Utility, and a credit for the rebilled amount will be reflected in the upcoming bill. (Oct.)

(FYI: If any late fees are applied, customer are encouraged to contact SPG for further assistance.)

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As you may have noticed, The Hub is beginning to change its appearance, this is to make room for Arrow Energy and to consolidate and update our customer handling resources for Kiwi Energy and Spring Power and Gas. The News Room will also allow for everyone to participate, so don't hesitate to offer suggestions.

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